Welcome to the official website of Shanghai KGG Robots Co., Ltd.

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  • Caw koj tuaj koom peb 2021 Exhibition

    Caw koj tuaj koom peb 2021 Exhibition

    Shanghai KGG Robot Co., Ltd automated thiab tob cultivated manipulator thiab hluav taws xob lub tog raj kheej kev lag luam rau 14 xyoo. Raws li kev taw qhia thiab kev nqus ntawm Japanese, European thiab American technologies, peb tus kheej tsim, tsim thiab ...
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  • Nta ntawm Linear Fais Fab Modules

    Nta ntawm Linear Fais Fab Modules

    Lub linear fais fab module txawv ntawm cov tsoos servo lub cev muaj zog + coupling pob ntsia hlau tsav. Lub linear fais fab module system yog txuas ncaj qha mus rau lub load, thiab lub cev muaj zog nrog lub load yog ncaj qha los ntawm lub servo tsav tsheb. Txoj kev tsav tsheb ncaj qha ntawm linear ...
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